This is one of my favorite books on alternative education because it rang true with what I saw happening in the future. In this book he proposed that there would be at least 3 kinds of educators who would be in strong demand in the future. This book was written in 1971 before the internet was a household name. The internet has changed how information is used and accessed. His description of the kinds of educators needed in the future seem to really apply now, 40 years later…
- Architects and administrators of Educational Resource Networks. They would understand knowledge, people and the societies they live in. They will need to be dedicated to the ideas of student directed, individualized education.
- Teachers who can help design effective individual educational programs, diagnose educational difficulties and prescribe effective remedies. People will find they need advice and assistance in selecting learning programs, choosing skill models, discovering peers and finding leadership in difficult endeavors.
- Leaders will be needed in every branch of learning. Leaders remain one of the vital education resources that learners must be helped to find. The most fundamental resource is the world in which most people have a good relationship with others.
I have been training teachers for these roles for 30 years!